Coronavirus Hub - Information for our Members
Latest Updates
As new information becomes available pages below will be regularly updated to help members easily locate assistance they may need. Essential information pertinent to your business will also be included in the eNews and broadcasts to members. If you are not receiving emails from LQ contact our office on 1300 883 966 to resolve the issue.
The Queensland Government also has a website dedicated to COVID-19 which is regularly with important information. Click on the buttons below to view the Queensland Government COVID-19 websites.
Close Contact Rules Updated From 28 April 2022
Queensland Government has announced changes to come into effect from 6pm today regarding close contacts of confirmed Covid-19 cases. The need to isolate for 7 days has been removed if a person is displaying no symptoms. If symptoms are apparent for a close contact, then they must get tested.
Supply Chain Delays & Price Increases
The industry is busier than ever, however there is ongoing concern around supply chain, price increases and how to handle these issues with your clients and what it means in terms of contracts. Click the Read More button to learn more.
LQ Landscaping Contracts
LQ Landscaping Contracts includes provisions for COVID-19 and similar situations. Make sure you are using the latest version. To go to the LQ contracts page select the button below.
Webinars & Online Training
As webinars or online training opportunities become available they will be listed here. Topics may relate to COVID-19 or business and financial planning generally.
LQ Representation to Government
LQ continues to represent our members ensuring that the needs of the landscape industry are considered by Governments and policy makers.
During this current crisis, now more than ever, lobbying plays a vital role reinforcing the importance of your industry and helping you to get YOUR voice heard.
Workplace Risk Management (Workplace Health & Safety)
Members are encouraged to consider the potential threat of infection from Coronavirus for their employees and themselves. It is suggested that regular updates from reputable media sources and health department announcements form the basis for your responses to mitigate or reduce risk of infection. Click the Read More button to find out what you need to be doing to reduce your risk.
Employer Obligations (Industrial Relations)
Against the evolving COVID-19 backdrop Landscape Queensland provides the following information for members to assist them dealing with their IR obligations.
Business Continuity Planning (BCP)
Some members may already be feeling a downturn or slowing of enquiries. In this rapidly changing environment, members should consider developing a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) if they haven’t already done so. Set some time aside NOW to consider how your business can continue to deliver your services or products – time spent now will also assist your business to survive and then THRIVE once the downturn, however long it may be, is over.
Mental Health - Look After Yourself
We’ve all been on planes and heard the cabin crew’s advice to affix your own oxygen mask before you affix that of a child. It’s true – you will be of little assistance to yourself, your family, or your employees if you don’t take some time to look after yourself FIRST during this unsettling period.
Cyber Security
One business which isn't facing a downturn right now is Cyber Crime. As part of your Business Continuity Plan now is also a good time to ensure your electronic systems and procedures are up to date.
LQ Supplier Members
Support LQ Supplier Members as they continue to support our Industry.
This page was last updated 28/4/2022