About Landscape Queensland
Landscape Queensland is the peak industry body that represents the interests of the state's landscape and
garden maintenance contractors, designers and suppliers of products and services.
Landscape Queensland promotes the importance of landscaping to the liveability of our urban environments and
the integral role it must play in the future planning and development of our cities.
Landscape Queensland’s role incorporates the facilitation of professional development opportunities for
industry participants covering a range of industry, business management and environmental best practices.
Landscape Queensland informs its members on matters of specific industry need and encourages innovation, education and management to achieve a sustainable enterprise that enhances industry growth and contributes to the overall economic growth of this state.
ABN 92 439 102 270
Our Objectives
- Landscape Queensland has the role to further the interests, professionalism and ongoing development of the Landscape Industry in the broadest sense.
- Landscape Queensland represents the industry at all levels of Government, to other related industries and between individual Landscape Industry businesses.
- Landscape Queensland supports industry members and the industry generally at key forums and public events to enhance the profile and value that Landscaping provides to the community.
- Landscape Queensland will endeavour to increase environmental practices and increase consumer awareness of the benefits of landscaping to the community.
- Landscape Queensland communicates to its members and the broader landscape industry on matters of specific industry need and encourages innovation, education and management to achieve sustainable enterprises that enhance industry growth.
Our Ethics
- To uphold the aims and objectives of Landscape Queensland (Association), encouraging a spirit of harmony and co-operation between fellow members and to promote and support the policies and principles of our Association.
- To enhance and foster the professional and ethical practice in the rendering of my services to bring honour and dignity to the Landscape Industry.
- To maintain the highest standard of honesty and integrity to my clients and fellow members.
- To encourage educational development and training and the research into new methods and techniques and improve the quality of the workmanship.
- To strenuously work for preservation of my industry to stimulate the free enterprise system and assist in the framing of legislation proposals for the benefit of my industry and those I serve.
- I assume these responsibilities freely and mindful of my obligations to serve the Association and thus enrich the overall industry through dedication and service.
Upon acceptance of a person as a member of the Association, the member is deemed to have agreed to comply with the Association's Code of Ethics as listed above.
Our History
Landscape Queensland was reborn in 1983 as the Association of Queensland Landscape contractors (AQLA). This rebirth was at the initiative of landscape contractors that included Brian Cheeseman, Ross Kelly, Ross Logan, Jack Lee, Peter Hazeldean and others. For the eight members, concerns were the need for improved standards in workmanship, training, better industry communications and the growing demand for environmentally sensitive practices.
The annual Awards for Landscape Constructional Excellence, then as now was a positive step to address these concerns. At the 2002 Awards a Perpetual Trophy was presented in the presence of many past winners.
An early success for the new Association was participating in the award-winning Australian exhibit at the Liverpool International Garden Festival in 1985. At home, landscaping got a new impetus with construction of sporting venues, new botanical gardens and malls culminating in World Expo 88. Here, over 40 hectares were redeveloped using some 70,000 plants with most of Landscape Queensland's 60 members involved. This year also saw Landscape Queensland sponsor the Landscape Industry of Australia Conference on the Gold Coast.
Early fortunes ebbed and flowed depending on large overseas financed developments. State government developments such as the make over of the Expo 88 site into Southbank and city council initiatives helped keep a core of 75 members busy. Landscaping of residential developments opened up new opportunities for creativity.
Today, the services that Landscape Queensland provides its members has grown significantly in line with the growth of the landscape industry in this state.
Promoting and representing the landscape industry to a broad range of stakeholders, including various levels of government, regulators, consumers and job seekers is an important part of the Association's role.
As the industry continues to change with new design trends, products, construction techniques and consumer demands, Landscape Queensland will also continue to evolve as the peak body assisting to grow the industry and support and maintain relevance to its' members.
Acknowledgement - Much of the above has been sourced from articles by Honorary Member, Donna Clare Tyman that first appeared in Landscape Australia.
Board Members
Dave Taylor - Interface Landscapes
Jim Stewart - Boss Gardenscapes
Peter Mumford - Arbor Operations
Brett Oakley - Park Lane Landscapes
Emrys Pratt - Harmony Landscapes
Leigh Barrett - Living Style Landscapes
Saul Johnson - SJ Landscapes